Reign Energy Razzle Berry

Now appearing in the Canadian Market: Reign Energy, here's the Razzle Berry flavour.

Hello wanderer, I mean you no harm, I too am a lone traveler in the vast fields of perdition that extend forever beyond the horizon. Long have I hidden myself in cave-complex hermitage where I have hoped to outlast the great plague, but now that I have come back to the surface, I see that there will never be respite from our damnation, only brief glimpses of paradise through the consumption of forbidden elixirs.

This particular elixir, from the lands to the South, has undergone a formulation change to appease our cautious council of elders. Part of that formulation change is a significant reduction in potency - whereas the Eagle-Men are able to consume 300mg of caffeine, those of the Beaver-People are restricted to a mere 180mg of caffeine - such is the way of this land.

The inverse side of the can, with its various selling features. 

It is said that this series of admixtures was developed to compete with both the Bang line of potions and the Rockstar X-Thermo collection, but like all of them, in the North, they are crippled to a mere 180mg of caffeine, and in the case of Bang, no creatine. Something else to note, beverage-scholar, is that Reign is an offshoot of a familiar brand.

Prices can be high.
  • Location Purchased: Generic Grocery Store
  • Price when Purchased: $3.29 Leafbacks
Taste: While not reflective of the taste, it is interesting to note that this beverage is as clear as fine spring water. As far as the taste, I found it to be quite flavourful and slightly sour. While I normally like fake "blue raspberry" in energy drinks, I was not really enchanted by this one, but it does give me hope that others in the line will have a more appealing taste.

Energy: While they are cut off at the knees in comparison with those from their country of origin, this provides a standard boost for your wasteland exploration, and some vitamins so you don't succumb to various deficiency disorders.

Bottom Line: It is quite good, but not devastatingly special, it is also a little pricy.

3/5 - it is good, but it doesn't reign...

You might have a different opinion or experience - feel free to let me know in the comments.


  1. Love the niche blog. Have you thought of reviewing herbal teas on here?

    1. As long as they are of the "energy" variety - I haven't had too many.


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