Red Bull Sugar Free

To evade a pursuer that neither rests nor sleeps approaches impossibility as the duration of the pursuit grows. I have seen the Minotaur, but more importantly, the Minotaur has seen me. I do not know the source of its enmity, but I know that I am the focal point of the creature's antipathy and my options for escape and survival are dwindling with each footstep, with each second.

Just as Pasiphaë's sexual lust for the bull was overpowering, the bloodlust that the Minotaur has is likewise overpowering. It was only by chance that I somehow managed to detect the creature pursing me in the crowded city streets and equally as fortunate that I managed to evade the creature's wrathful attack that left several people dead.

Call it cowardice, but as the Minotaur was extracting its blood-soaked horns from the entrails of a mild elderly woman that was mistakenly gored in my place, I ran. I ran like a madman, it was, as it still is, my only option.   

My vision is constantly blurry and my memory is barely able to remember the start of this sentence. I am operating on pure instinct - my humanity long foregone, below even the level of animals, I am only aware of the Minotaur and its ceaseless pursuit.

The creature is large and powerful, even more so than any mythological story has ever described. The Minotaur knows my exact location at all times and tirelessly homes in on that location without being tarried by fatigue, mental or physical. In order to put distance between myself and the creature I have taken to consuming vast quantities of Red Bull.

If it is some kind of cosmic joke that the first energy that I could get my hands on after the pursuit by the bull-man hybrid started had the image of a bull as its logo, I am not certain, but I am absolutely certain that I have exceeded the recommended safe levels of ingestion of the beverage.

I find it incredibly difficult to accurately explain the depraved depths of fear that the sight of the Minotaur sent me into. While it has an appearance that is frightening, what is more terrifying is that I knew that it knew that it was pursuing me. The knowledge that the Minotaur was after me was granted to me, just as the constant knowledge of my location was granted to the Minotaur.

I robbed a gas station convenience store. I had to. I kicked in the back door and I instantly saw the bright red bull logo of Red Bull and I grabbed the closest case, which just so happened to be the 473ml sugar-free variety. Like a parched camel I drank the 24 cans in mere moments and I have been running since, for how long, I am not certain, I am only certain of the Minotaur.
  • Location Purchased: Gas Station
  • Price when Purchased: another trip into depravity

Taste: Fear.

Energy: 140mg, or 3360mg per case of 24.  

Bottom Line: I know that the Minotaur will eventually catch up to and kill me - I just don't know when.

Minotaur/5 - the Minotaur

You might have a different opinion or experience - feel free to let me know in the comments.


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