Rockstar XD Thermo Marshmallow
Behold, the Holy Grail, the container that holds Ambrosia.
I have recently managed to make my way into an secretive Romanian mafia clan, and I need to tell you, it has been great so far. Due to my capacity for inhumane acts of cruelty, I have managed to find a niche in the crime syndicate that has made me, if not wealthy, financially comfortable. Using this newfound income, I have been able to afford some of the higher-end energy drinks that I crave, such as this ROCKSTā
R XD Thermo Marshmallow, which is a mix of the Rockstar Xdurance Marshmallow and X Thermo product lines, with less caffeine because this here is Trudeau's Canada and he is afraid that if the people get the energy that they need and deserve than they will topple his puppet regime.
This was the first thing that I thought of when I saw the design of the can.
I guess the retrowave trend has been getting popular lately, and energy dirnks might as well capitalize on it. Anyway, here is some retrowave listening to go along with the can's awesome design:
At first, my new mafiosi associates chide me a bit for drinking energy drinks all the time, but when they noticed that I never sleep they really started to respect me. I now see them occasionally make the sign of the cross on themselves when they think I don't see and they refer to me as Strigoi.
Look at that beauty.
- Location Purchased: The only Place I've Seen It
- Price when Purchased: $3.59 Leafbacks
Taste: Just as the can describes, this has the distinct taste of marshmallow. In addition to the marshmallow flavours, it has tastes of artificial fruitiness and cotton candy - all of these combine into a really intense overall profile and it is very pleasant.
Energy: Unlike the USA version that has 300mg of caffeine, the Canadian alternate is only furnished with 180mg - which is still a good amount, just not quite as potent as its Southern forebear. It is sugar free, so no sugar energy.
Bottom Line: This is easily my new favourite sip and the only thing I can complain about is that it is pricy.
5/5 - among the best ever
You might have a different opinion or experience - feel free to let me know in the comments.
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